Saturday, June 7, 2014

There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today!

Week #3 – Saturday, June 7, 2014
Laundry Time

"There is sunshine in my soul today!”  That is the perfect title to this last week!  Also, it's the only song we all know how to sing in Spanish.  So.....we sing it ALOT.  Well, actually just THAT line. Sooooo...all the elders are really annoyed with it.  But I can't help but sing it when there's sunshine bursting out of my soul!!  Ha, ha

I forgot to tell you that last week’s devotional was with Elder Nielsen from the Quorum of the Twelve!!  :) So that was pretty cool!  We were hoping and hoping that we'd see another apostle, but it didn't happen this week. Crossing my fingers for the next! It's still a-okay because after Sunday devotionals, we get to watch some old movies or talks. These last two weeks, I was able to see two AMAZING talks by Elder Bednar.  Boy, that man is certainly an apostle called of God.  He is awesome!

Well, I know school is out....scream and shout, finally Summer’s here...ha, ha (Jeremy I knew you'd love a little of that HSM.)  So, I have some homework for you folks. See if you can find "The Character of Christ" talk by Elder Bednar.  I'm not sure if you can even find it because it might just be for the MTC, but if you do find it, write me and let's talk about it. This talk is honestly life changing.  And I'm not kidding.  So good!! :)  

Highlight of my week was hosting for the new missionaries coming in on Wednesday. Oh, that was fun! The best part was that I got to host Kayleigh Hill…oops, I mean Hermana Hill!  We played soccer and lacrosse together, so seeing her was the BEST.  I got to show her the ropes and all that… so that was lovely.  

Earlier that day was sort of weird.  My compañera had to go to the doctor with another Hermana, so I was without her for almost 4 hours. Doesn't seem that long at all, but it felt like forever!!! I guess since being 24/7 with her, and then being without her, makes me feel like a part of me is missing.  Yeah, weird…ha, ha but honestly, I've grown to love each of these Hermanas and Elders so much.  It's crazy how the gospel can truly bring people together.  We bear our testimonies to each other so much, and I was thinking…that must be it--why we are so close.  Like you know after Girl’s Camp or Youth Conference when we bear testimonies to one another and after the meeting, it's like we feel so much closer and united. It's like that but every single day. Okay, maybe that sounds cheesy, but I love it!  I think it's so true.  I think sharing the gospel and what you believe brings the spirit and love.  It's wonderful.  So I challenge each of you to share your testimony to a loved one.  It doesn't have to be Fast Sunday, you can share your testimony whenever. Then write me about it because I'd love to hear.  :)  
We Love P-Days
The District At Burger Supreme
Also, I think my district is starting to not take me so seriously anymore.  I'm just being too sarcastic. OH, NO! I'm turning into Dad....ha, ha!  It also doesn't help that I am super short.  I don't know where all these tall people came from!!??  Honestly, everyone must've eaten one of Jack's beans and grown so tall because sometimes I feel like an ant.  But hey, it's okay, because guess what?  Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy!  Ha,ha!
Having Fun In Class
Okay, one more highlight of the week.  On Sunday, during our devotional, we sang "Called to Serve." Hermana Nally (MTC Relief Society President) made an arrangement where it grew louder and louder. Oh, I don’t know how to explain it, but it was so awesome and such a happy feeling.  It was like on a warm Summer night, playing outside barefoot. It's at the time of day where the sun has set, still a little light out, but you can start to see the stars begin to shine. (I know, I'm a poet – ha, ha) It's kind of like that feeling, where you're just so happy and content.  It was a perfect night.  

I'm so proud to be part of this missionary work. I just can't wait to go to Argentina!! 


Hermana Pukahi
Hermano Mace, Hermana Pukahi and Hermana Morris
"This is a picture with Hermano Mace one of my teachers...
he was like Javier...he acted like an investigator at first!!
He fooled us..."
Our other teacher, Hermana Valdez,
Hermana Morris and Hermana Pukahi
Bus-on way to devotional - being silly
Another picture on Bus-on way to devotional.
Funny picture at the Temple
Our Whole Zone - which consists of my District
and another District of just girls.  All of them are going
to Argentina except for Hermana Tu'aukalau who is
going to Lubbick, Texas.